Paraclete Academy for 2023-2024 & Beyond

As a micro school of predominately 9th-grade girls for the 2023-2024 academic year, Paraclete Academy has been structured as a single tutorial group featuring a mixture of in-person and online instruction with Jessica McGibbon as the school directress.

While it will remain small by design, as it grows and takes on more students, Paraclete’s model will shift from all-school tutorial groups to multiple small and targeted instruction groups with one or two in-person master teachers as guides, instructing the students both online and in-person. While Paraclete Academy is all-girls in 2023-2024, we are open to starting another microschool for freshman and sophomore boys in 2024-2025 should there be enough interest. 

Tuition for the 2024-2025 school year will be $12,500. Financial aid information is available upon request.

Please email Jessica McGibbon and apply here if you are interested in Paraclete Academy for your son or daughter for the 2024-2025 academic year.

About the Name

The word “Paraclete”  (in Greek  Παράκλητον, parakletos) appears four times in the Gospel of John (14:16, 14:26, 15:26, and 16:7) and once more in the first epistle of John (1 John 2:1). Another name for the Holy Spirit, “Paraclete” has been translated in different translations of the Bible  as “Advocate,” “Counselor,” “Comforter,” “Helper,” and “Friend,” and illuminates the many ways in which the Holy Spirit sanctifies, protects, and guides us. Because “Paraclete” is not an English word and has no single meaning, it invites us to pause, think, explore, and question. Hence the School’s name, Paraclete, reminds us that in order to enter into both the intelligibility and mystery of life and learning,  we must both work to understand and invite the Holy Spirit to shepherd and guide us: “Come Holy Spirit!”